I had a thought the other day that I couldn’t fit into a facebook status update, so I thought, “Oh, right, that’s what a blog is for. Also, to be read by fewer people, that’s also what a blog is for.” I’m signing up for a twitter account at some point because it seems like a great way to consolidate breaking news into a single area. Google reader is sort of cumbersome for that, and I don’t want to clutter up my gmail with all these alerts (you should see the metro feed – 8 emails a day about some track maintenance at Fort Totten.) So, a twitter feed seems like a good way to go. But I really can’t imagine re-calibrating my communication needs down to the point where the decision tree begins with “will it fit into a tweet?” The point is, I guess I can’t imagine myself using twitter as a two-way street. But maybe this is just some limitation on my part.
The funny thing is that at one point in my life, I was definitely an early adopter. Since cell phones became de rigueur, I’ve become a bit of a luddite for some reason. Late on cell phones, late on SMS, late on ipods, late on bittorrent, late on facebook, late on blogging, late on tivo, late on smartphone…and inevitably, I find that the new technology invariably confers upon me some degree of freedom withoutwhich life would be a lot less convenient or fun. (Valeu, Babo - good catch.) So, what is this curmudgeonly need to disparage, belatedly adopt, and then lavish with praise?
In other news, it’s been an active few weeks in immigration news. Not personal immigration news, but like, immigration matters in the news. Post to follow later this week.