At the risk of sounding like like I have an unhealthy fascination with how objects are or aren't useful at different points in time, let me ask this question: what do you do with your home-life keys when you are on vacation? Part of me thinks I should carry them around anyway, because I am used to having their weight in my left pocket and checking for the presence of keys in my pocket is part of the so-called "wallet, keys, cell phone" check I do several times a day.
So since for the past two years we've been to Colorado during the summer, we end up with a rental car, which means a new unfamiliar key that I actually need to carry around and use. It's not like going to New York for the weekend - that left pocket isn't just up for grabs, in other words. I guess I could add the rental key to my home-life keyring, but it seems like that would be according the transient key a more prominent place than it probably deserves.
However, I am always very afraid that if I stop carrying my home-life keys around while I'm on vacation, I'll end up misplacing them and not noticing they're gone until I get home and need them again. So, carrying them around every day is like a charm to keep them from being lost. But they become sort of like a superfluous appendage in that their uselessness is so evident.
Does anyone else fret about this?
1 comment:
I used to constantly fret about it, but breeding solves this problem. I'm now forced to carry a large man purse with me at all time, containing diapers, wipes, juice boxes, snacks, books, and those little pills they gave the astronauts in case they couldn't make it home. In the old days, my wife would carry this stuff in her purse, but I'm a sensitive caring father of the new millenium, plus her purse is jammed with crap I don't understand how to use.
So give breeding a try. It solves so many of life's little problems. Plus, you won't be able to afford cool vacations anymore, so the problem goes away.
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