14 August 2008

At "Screen on the green" earlier this week

At Screen on the Green on the Mall, shortly before being mystified by the “HBO dance” that people seem to really enjoy doing. (Describing it as a 20-second rave is about right.)

Ms AC: What’s the Capitol made of?
Me: Um, marble? Granite? Granite doesn’t make sense, does it?
Ms AC: No, granite definitely doesn’t. Marble does.
Me: It used to not have a dome. And it was made of wood. The British burned it down in…1812?
Ms AC: Well, it seems like you’re asking for that to happen if you build it out of wood.
Me: I guess so. They decide to go with whatever that is – marble? – afterwards, I suspect.

Ms AC: Marble. And yet – marbles are made out of glass. Think on that for a minute.
Me: I think I have to.

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