Ominously, the last run before the big one was not good. Slept restlessy, only sneaking a cat nap during the two hours between 4 and 6 on account of stress, whatever else. The weather for the weekend in VA beach looks to include some rain, so I guess it's good that I ran in the rain this morning. I shuffled through thirty minutes and gave up.
A great trick that I learned from E(M)GK is to keep your old running shoes around when you buy a new pair, and wear the old ones out when it's crappy to make sure you'll get your 300-400 miles out of the new pair. Not sure what to do about Sunday thought - it seems really foolish not to wear my newest pair, which have fewer than 15 miles on them, but not at the cost of needing to replace them that much sooner.
Also, maybe I'm in the minority, but I really feel like the DNC has gotten very little mileage in my household. Political inclinations aside, I was just out-tv'd by the Olympics and the knowledge that football season is almost upon us.
So, I need to sleep, but I've found that sometimes fatigue is a nice distraction while running - it actually allows the mind to wander from the body a bit more freely. And with the rain this morning, I was definitely stumbling down some bizarre mental corridors, only to come back and realize that because my glasses were wet and I couldn't see very far ahead of me, I would have no idea where I was. Pleasantly disorienting.
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