Since I was right about my gut reaction the very first minute we saw Miles on “Lost” – that he was the son of Pierre Chang – here’s my prediction for his arc. I’m going for the win here.
Miles will get to see enough of Pierre Chang’s relationship with little Miles and his mom to believe that he needs to warn his dad about the impending genocide. He will feel that this is the only way to prevent the disaster and confusion of his childhood – having his dad with him as he grows up and being cheated out of that relationship by Ben’s cold-hearted mass-murdering ways. However, Dr. Chang will echo the silly mantra that “whatever happened, happened,” and will hope that he can bargain with destiny by sending his wife and son away, and offering himself up as a sacrificial lamb.
Miles will then come to understand three things:
(1) That he himself caused his own unhappy childhood. He will realize that Dr. Chang drove his wife and child away to save them, and that adult Miles was the catalyst for this action. The alternative to his miserable childhood would be lying dead in a ditch with the rest of the Dharma folks.
(2) That he was meant to have died on the Island and that whatever happened did not necessarily "happen." Or was not necessarily meant to have happened. This is why he can commune with the dead. (Because he is sort of un-dead himself, having cheated destiny.)
(3) That Widmore has brought him back to the island to fulfill his destiny (ie, die on it) because Widmore believes that he must give the Island what it wants in order to re-establish the pre-Linas state of equilibrium on the Island. So, Miles, having been temporarily saved by his father's sacrifice, will ultimately be consumed as Widmore's sacrificial lamb.
This presupposes, however, that not all the principals were brought to the Island for the same reason (similarities in daddy-issues notwithstanding.) But, I can already see that we’re going to grow incredibly fond of Miles like we did Charley, only to find that Miles must die.
And that, my friends, will suck.
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