09 June 2009

It only takes a few seconds...

I’ve been around a lot of babies and small children recently, and let me just say this: holy shit. I had forgotten how a short distraction – a momentary lapse of attention – can lead to horrifying morbidity and even death. It’s nice to be around young and innocent life, but man is it taxing when you know that you’re always only a few seconds away from something terrible and irrevocable happening. Scary stuff. Especially near swimming pools. And in kitchens. And living rooms. And where there are objects, cords, chairs, objects of varying heights that can serve as platforms, and near anything made of glass.






John Das Binky said...

Welcome to my life.

There's nothing like manually fishing grooming items out of your choking kid's esophagus to wake you up. It's amazing how far down there your hand will fit.

On the plus side, they do eventually pay to put you in a nursing home.

Newmanium Reveler said...

I've even dodged those responsibilities with the cats. I'm not sure how could I'd be at trachea-fishing with a little human...

You must be a very tired man. I think I understand now.