13 February 2012

Coverage of a dead black female entertainer? OVER THE LINE!

So, I’ve now seen two different things on Facebook that are a variation of, “Yes, Whitney Houston died yesterday – but these soldiers are dying every day! Where is the news coverage for them? Let’s remember the true heroes!”

Which, I mean, for fuck’s sake. Let’s think this through: the media constantly cover stupid stories. My first thought is, why aren’t you outraged when the media is covering tiger moms or Kate Upton or Giselle Bundchen criticizing Wes Welker? Is two days of coverage of the death of a black woman who was the most powerful entertainer on the planet for a few years really over the line?  In other words, the media were doing everything right until this, but it’s in the coverage of Whitney Houston that we see that the media have truly lost their way?

Secondly, as noted above, this person was fairly important. And she died the day before the most important pop music awards ceremony. Isn’t some media saturation to be expected?

THIRDLY! (I have a thirdly!) Remember how conservatives reacted when the media DID offer daily casualty totals? Didn’t conservatives criticize the media for focusing on body counts instead of progress? And let’s say the media switched immediately and started to offer detailed coverage of soldiers who died, what would we see? There'd be a campaign like, "This soldier died - RIP. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF OBESITY? WHO WILL SPEAK FOR THEM?" Or whatever. There's always someone else dying somewhere, and there's always someone complaining about the coverage being of the wrong dead person. 

So, this didn’t quite come out wrong, but in terms of inconsistent/bizarre conservative memes-du-jour, this someone seems to be up there.  

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